The night I came home from my CAT scan, Martin asked my mom for permission to marry me before he went home and I was standing in the hallway so I couldnt really hear what they were saying, but she sounded happy. He walked out smiling saying she almost made him tear. I heard her say "thank you for loving Hazel" but he told me after she said that she also said "really, it makes me happy that you love her so much" which is what almost got him to tear. He also asked my dad on his way home, but I wasnt there so I didnt hear that conversation. He said that my dad looked happy and he was saying that he's happy for us and whatever we decide to do.
I'm happy that my parents like Martin. He's definitely a huge change from my previous boyfriends. And I'm sure my parents see that difference. And how much he helps me all the time. Most of his time is dedicated to helping me. Sometimes I just dont get why he cares so much, but I'm glad he does. I'm sure they've seen how much I've changed since we've been together.
Now all I'm waiting for is for him to propose... I'm a little nervous lol.
I'm also debating if I should have an engagement party and where. I was thinking of having an engagement party/his going away party... but honestly, I dont feel like seeing his friends lol.
He's leaving in less than two weeks, I'm sad that hes going so soon. I swear we still had a month together, and I'm scared I'll end up shutting everyone out for the next six months. I really hope not! I hope I use the time to get things going. We'll see *sigh*.
Posted by
Monday, September 28, 2009
Labels: cat scan , engagement , parents
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