Wedding favors!

Labels: wedding favors
Labels: Christmas , freaking out , wedding , wedding band
The wedding is TEN DAYS AWAY. OMG, I'm about to hit single digits soon! Ahhhh!!! I'm excited but nervous, but excited... but nervous. I hope I'm not forgetting to get anything done!
Less than two weeks away....
I can not believe the wedding is less than two weeks away! This is insane. I'm extremely nervous! Martin on the other hand, is pretty excited. Isnt it suppose to be the other way around? Isnt the guy suppose to be nervous and the girl's suppose to be excited?! Goodness! We should be picking up my dress this week, along with the wedding band. I only ordered myself one, he sent in a request to resize his ring. It was too big and he never grew into it during Basic Training so he's been wearing it on his right hand instead of his left. They should be sending both my wedding band and his resized ring by this week. With all this wedding crazy-ness, I almost completely forgot about Christmas. I mean, you cant really forget about it since everywhere is decorated but I mean, I almost didnt have time to think about getting gifts. I usually get my Christmas shopping done in November/early December but I was too busy in November to do anything :(
MIA and freezing cold!
All Fall I was hoping for the weather to cool down and it didnt. In fact, it didnt cool down until late November/early December and it dropped, drastically! So much for Fall. Now its freezing! The lowest we've had were in the low 30's and I know that's not really low compared to other states but I live in Northern California! I'm not use to this kind of temperature! I always complain about how I've never touched real snow and I cant even handle low 30's, goodness! Seriously, all I ever feel like doing is curling up under a huge fleece blanket and going to sleep! At least it hasnt been crazy raining around here, but there have been really strong winds (that scare the crap out of me)!
I think I'm more excited for our Honeymoon than our wedding LOL.
He was suppose to be graduating today. I was suppose to fly out yesterday. I'm suppose to be in Texas right now... but he's not and I'm not.
I know its kinda silly, but I cant help but feel a little sad that I wont be seeing him graduate today.
To flight ***, congratulations.
Labels: basic training , graduation
Wedding details!
Goodness its freezing cold! It was snowing like, the other day. Not like snow snow but in some places (like the 510 and 925) there was some snow. I havent been great on updating lately, I've been busy and when I am on the PC, its too cold to type an entire entry out!
I called our chapel location (I finally got an email from a wedding planner) and the day before Martin and I went over the ceremony details and I went over what we decided on with her. So most of the important stuff now is out of the way, I just have to get back to her on Friday about my bouquet. Called our reception location and ordered the cake, I still have not received the emailed paper work about sending in the deposit so I might have to call them again. I also have to email them a picture of what I want the cake to look like so I can get a quote and a grand total.
Went to Concord. I had my roots re-highlighted and my bangs trimmed. Martin and Marissa went to find him a tux so when I was done, they brought me to where they found him a tux. Received a call from the bridal store saying my dress was in, so we went there really quick so I could try it on (its GORGEOUS) and get it fixed up. My shoes arent so bad, they're walk-able in. So after that, I showed Martin my dream dress and all he said was "its alright" :( men and their lack of caring about crap. After that went to the mall out there and had Thai food for dinner, then we got into a slight arguement, but it was resolved shortly after. He tried on his tux jacket and... I'm kinda... ehh about it. I mean, it looks cool! Its different. Not really sure if you'd wear it to a wedding... but if its what he likes, then that's fine. I picked my dress, he can freely pick his tux. So now I'm waiting on my dress to get back to me in a week! I'm super excited. Decided on just the tiara, the vial looks weird on me and my dress isnt white anyway.
Went to Kohls and found a dress shirt and a tie that would go well with the tux, thank goodness... I have a 15% off for Kohls! Haha. And all the other dress shirts we found were super expensive (and a tie for $90, I dont think so)!
Marissa took her entrance test for school and we looked around some more for tux stuff, or well... we intended to but ended up reading at Borders Express lol! Whoops. Went to order his tux, finally. Went to pick up the stuff from Kohls, his tux comes in on Christmas Eve which worries me... I hope it works out!
Showed both Marissa and Martin the orchid picture that the wedding planner sent me. I think I'll just mix those orchid's with white and blue roses and for the flower that Martin's going to wear, I'll make it an orchid with a blue rose. Same with Marissa's and my dad's.
I think that's most of the updated wedding information :) I'll try to blog again in the morning. My toes and fingers are getting numb from being so cold!!
Labels: wedding , wedding bouquet , wedding dress , wedding tux
He's home! He's home!
Martin came home last week! I know, I've been super MIA since he's been home!
He's been falling asleep a lot lately lol. He's suppose to graduate in 3 days, I'm suppose to be flying out in 2 days. It sucks how close he was to finishing Basic Training. But I am extremely happy he's home!
He had to return all his uniforms, boo! I'll never get to see him in his ABU's or his Blues :( but he got to bring back his ABU hat's so he gave me one. I'm a sucker for ABU's, especially their hats! So imagine how excited I was lol.
Our wedding coordinator emailed me the other day and called me yesterday morning. Martin and I went through the last bits of the ceremony details that she sent us. So I'm gonna have to call her today with what we decided on. The hard part is dealing with the plane tickets. Since its close to our leave date the prices went up (from $98 to $124, wtf!) and adding an extra $160-something for an extra night at the hotel. We obviously cant participate in any promo's any one offers cause the majority of our nights staying at the hotel is covered by the wedding package. Boo.
Oh and Martin said he wont walk down the isle and that I have to :(
Less than 23 days left. I'm getting extremely nervous. Like you wouldnt believe, nervous!
My dress is suppose to be coming in this week, and the wedding bands are coming in within the next week and a half. I have to set things up for the reception and figure out what I'm going to do with my hair.
Labels: basic training , hes home , wedding